Melatonin: Does It Affect Fertility?

is melatonin good for fertility
Melatonin eliminates free radicals and protects against cellular damage in sperm and eggs. Healthy melatonin levels are vital to fertility

Welcome to our new article about Melatonin and fertility.

Oxidative stress affects all cells in the human body. It can impact male and female fertility. Research confirms that oxidative stress is involved in many reasons for infertility. These include endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, and fibroids.

But what if you could boost your antioxidant capacity far stronger than any other supplement? Yes. Melatonin for can sure.

Melatonin is becoming more popular because of its many benefits. It protects against oxidative stress and promotes mitochondrial health.

In this article, we will cover Melatonin and fertility, and more. Stay tuned.

What Can Impact Our Fertility?

Many factors can impact our fertility. However, some things are more than that, such as genetic structure and DNA.

Some of the most common factors that can affect our fertility include:

  • Age
  • Lifestyle
  • Diet
  • Environment
  • Stress levels

Studies have found that men with low melatonin levels have lower sperm counts and mobility, and Melatonin deficiency are more likely to be infertile and have less potent sperm than other men.

Melatonin regulates testosterone secretion in animal studies. Melatonin has been found to promote male reproductive performance in mammals.

Stress Can Cause Inhibit Testosterone And Sperm Quality 

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Chronic stress can affect our health. It has been shown to cause hormonal changes affecting sperm and testosterone levels. This happens by activating inflammatory cytokines. These include interferons (IFN), interleukins (IL), lymphokines, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). This can lead to infertility in men.

Another reason is the stress hormone “Cortisol.” It could suppress the production of testosterone and Melatonin. This also leads to an increase in estradiol production. Estradiol is a female hormone that can inhibit sperm production.

You can manage your stress level by using relaxation techniques. These include deep breathing, meditation, and physical activity.

However, the most important one for stress regulation is high-quality sleep. The Melatonin hormone promotes this. Why? Because Melatonin counteracts cortisol.

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Here Are The Two Ways Melatonin Affects The Fertility:

  1. Sleep Quality: The quality of your sleep directly impacts your mental health, cognitive function, and physical health. It also affects our Mitochondrial Functions and other enzymes for sperm mobility and health.
  2. Mitochondrial Biogenesis: The better sleep you have, the better you will experience energy by boosting Mitochondrial Biogenesis, and eventually, that leads to better fuel of sperm cells, as well as overall health.

Melatonin deficiency can reduce Neurogenesis and BDNF production in the Hippocampus area. This causes anxiety and depression.

Anxiety and depression also affect our overall cell health from the middle to the long term. This is huge because the more you have anxiety and depression, the more likely you will experience negative habits. These include alcohol, smoking, and even drugs. This makes it worse for fertility.

Here are five reasons why BDNF is important for brain cells, mood, and the hippocampus:

  1. BDNF stimulates the growth and differentiation of neurons and synapses
  2. BDNF thrives in the hippocampus, cortex, and basal forebrain
  3. These areas are vital for memory, learning, and higher cognitive functions.
  4. BDNF protects and repairs brain cells
  5. BDNF improves learning, memory, and mood.

Related: Why is BDNF Protein Crucial For Depression And Anxiety?

Impotence And Melatonin Research

Melatonin Deficiency might lead to erection problems by facilitating excessive oxidative stress and reducing the antioxidant capacity. 

The number of free radicals could affect our sperm quality and mobility. This happens by creating inflammation. This includes interleukins (IL), lymphokines, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF).

For women, Melatonin blocks the activation of estrogen receptors for DNA binding.

Inhibiting estrogen receptor activity can interfere with the development of breast cancer cells. It can prevent them from growing into tumors. This means Melatonin is also important for preventing breast cancer.

How Does Melatonin Block Estrogen Receptors?

Melatonin is known to interfere with the activation of the estrogen receptor. It is considered to be a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that decreases both the expression of estrogen receptors alpha (ERα) and the ability of ERα to bind to DNA.

Melatonin also inhibits the enzymes involved in estrogen synthesis, leading to lower estrogen levels. This is how Melatonin blocks estrogen receptors.

Melatonin Enhances Age-related Infertility For Women.

Age-related infertility is the inability to conceive a child due to the woman’s age. It is caused by a decrease in fertility with age.

The leading cause of this type of infertility are:

  1. Ovarian aging and decreased follicle production,
  2. Decreased ovarian response to hormonal stimulation,
  3. Uterine changes and decreased uterine blood flow.

Optimizing Melatonin has anti-aging properties because Melatonin enhances SIRT3 activity the same as Fasting, and it can be helpful for age-related fertility decrease.

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Research showed that Melatonin improves age-related fertility decline and attenuates ovarian mitochondrial oxidative stress in women as they age.

This could be because it has antioxidant properties, protecting mitochondria from oxidative damage and causing cells to die, leading to infertility.

Long-term treatment with melatonin prevented aging-associated oxidative stress in the ovarian mitochondria, as assessed by the recovery of GSH levels and GSH/GSSG ratios.

How Can We Boost Fertility Simple Ways?

There are many ways to boost your fertility; the most important is Mitochondrial Health and inflammation balance.

  • Fasting: There are many fasts, including intermittent Fasting and time-restricted eating. Intermittent Fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and Fasting. Fasting can reduce the activity of free radicals and support AMPK, a key regulator in cellular energy metabolism, eventually boosting Mitochondrial and sperm health.
  • Limit Omega-6 Intake: The average person should not exceed 3-6 grams of Omega-6 per day, and the best way to minimize the intake is by eating more Omega-3 foods. Excessive Omega-6 can cause damages cells and blood.
  • Wim Hof Techniques: Wim Hof Techniques can naturally reduce proinflammatory mediators TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-8 levels. People report better feelings after WHB.
  • Minerals: Minerals can help balance hormones, detoxify the body and produce hormone-like substances that stimulate fertility. Bor, Zinc, Selenium, Iodine, and Magnesium are important for fertility. 

Note: Fasting can also help support chronic diseases such as diabetes and epilepsy and involve the GUT Line repair process with modulating inflammation in the body. 

Additional knowledge: Melatonin works synergistically with vitamin D to optimize mitochondrial function and fertility. It also enhances vitamin D signaling and protects sperm from oxidative stress 

How Does Melatonin Potentially Affect Fertility Compared To Other Supplements Or Medications?

SupplementPotential Effects on Fertility
MelatoninSome studies have suggested that melatonin may have a positive effect on fertility.(You can check on articles) and Melatonin improves ovarian function and increases the chances of successful fertilization. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings.
ZincStudies have shown that it can enhance sperm quality, increase the likelihood of fertilization in males, improve ovarian function, and increase the chances of pregnancy in females.
L-carnitineZinc is an essential mineral that plays a role in fertility(sperm and hormone production) for both men and women. In men, zinc is necessary for producing healthy sperm mobility, and low levels of zinc have been associated with reduced sperm count. In women, zinc is involved in ovarian function and may improve the chances of successful fertilization.
Vitamin B12Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a role in fertility(sperm and hormone production) for both men and women. In men, zinc is necessary for producing healthy sperm mobility, and low zinc levels have been associated with reduced sperm count. In women, zinc is involved in ovarian function and may improve the chances of successful fertilization.
Folic acidB12 deficiency(you should check) can lead to fertility problems for men and women. Men may experience decreased sperm production and motility, while women may struggle with ovarian function and successful egg implantation.

Anti-Inflammatory Supplements For Fertility

Natural anti-inflammatory supplements like turmeric, ginger, and polyphenols can protect cells from environmental damage. These supplements can improve fertility and prevent future infertility

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People who want to improve their fertility or prevent future infertility should take these supplements.

  • Curcumin
  • Ashwagandha
  • Black Tea Polyphenols(Gut Health)
  • Vitamin C

These anti-inflammatory supplements can be effective if combined with those Regular Fasting and the proper amount of Melatonin. Eventually, these combinations and lifestyle changes lead to better libido and sperm health. 

How Much Melatonin Should I Take For Fertility?

The recommended dose of melatonin for most adults is 0.5 mg to 5 mg nightly. This may vary depending on the condition being treated. People usually use 0.5 mg for sleep, but fertility may require more.

Melatonin is generally safer than other supplements, with studies showing safety for up to 12 months. However, more research is needed to confirm its long-term safety.

Related: Why Is Melatonin Important For Well-Being, Anxiety, And Depression?

What Things Can Affect Men’s Fertility?

Here’s a list of factors that can affect men’s fertility, along with brief explanations:

  • EMF: Electromagnetic frequency radiation has been shown to decrease the fertilization rate, reduce sperm quality, and trigger hormonal changes in the testis.
  • Oxidative stress: This can damage the DNA of sperm and other reproductive organs and tissues, disrupting both male and female fertility.
  • Low testosterone: Low levels of this hormone can lead to decreased sperm production and reduced sex drive.
  • Overactive stress response: Chronic stress can interfere with hormones that regulate sperm production.
  • Trauma: Physical injury to the testicles or other reproductive organs can affect fertility.
  • Too much omega-6 fatty acids: A diet high in omega-6 fatty acids can cause inflammation and oxidative stress, negatively impacting fertility.

Another important thing you should consider is excessive iron and plastics.

Plastics on Fertility and Testosterone

As we know, the accumulation of plastics can be bad for men’s health. In particular, exposure to high levels of phthalates, endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in plastics and some personal care products, has been linked to reduced blood testosterone levels.

Plastics can accumulate in the body and cause oxidative stress. Chronic exposure to polystyrene microplastics has been shown to induce male reproductive toxicity and decrease testosterone levels via the LH-mediated LHR/cAMP/PKA/StAR pathway.

For Women: The Effects of Iron Deficiency and Fertility

On the other hand, iron levels can also significantly impact fertility. Research suggests that there is a link between iron and fertility. One study found that women who took iron supplements had a significantly lower risk of ovulatory infertility. Iron deficiency is also linked to infertility, miscarriages, low birth weight, and preterm labor.

Iron is essential for the development and creation of cells. When iron levels are low, it can affect the health of the egg to be fertilized and make it up to 60% more difficult to get pregnant. During pregnancy, women need up to three times the amount of iron they did before conceiving, as their bodies will work hard to use that iron to make extra blood for their unborn babies.

In summary, It is important to be aware of these factors when conceiving or maintaining good reproductive health.


Good quality sleep is essential for our body to recover, alter brain waves, and reduce inflammation.

This helps us understand the relationship between melatonin and fertility.

Our melatonin levels are lower than our ancestors’ due to artificial lights and constant exposure to EMF. We are losing this strong antioxidant, which affects our fertility due to oxidative stress.

I teach people about the biohacks and science of optimizing their health and performance. I like to write about Philosophy, Biohacks, Supplements, and Spiritual information supported by science.