Longevity Lifestyle, Tips, Tricks And Supplements

Many are curious about “what are the limitations of human lifetime” and “how long a person can live.”

For decades, many leading biologists have promoted that our genes largely control human longevity. If your parents and their parents and their parents before them all lived into their nineties, for instance, there was a good chance you would, too.

As our understanding of the food industry and nutrition improves, we are on the threshold of reaching incredible dimensions. Telomeres, mitochondrial, NAD plus, sirtuin genes, and every new aspect we discover expand our perspectives.

I want to write articles about science-based strategies that are supposed to help us live longer lives by naturally improving our cellular health. I hope you will enjoy this article. 

I think we are in a different state from now; we have new kinds of knowledge coming every day, which helps us better understand longevity, aging, cells, and telomeres. 

Here are the guides things to help you get better.

Note: I will always update when I learn new information about longevity, anti-aging tips, tricks, and methods.

1- Fasting, Longevity, Genes, And Stress

longevity genes

We didn’t know that much about fasting and glucose restriction extending the lifespan, inducing autophagy, and cell regeneration, improving brain functions, and stimulating new brain cells in humans before.

Yet, by breaking you out of your food prison, you may become stronger and healthier both physically and psychologically. It will relieve you of the burden of other people’s ideas about how you should feel and how your body is telling you to feel. Finally, it will assist you in living your greatest life—being your best self and contributing the most to the world.

Fasting and calorie restriction raise NAD+, SIRT1, and SIRT3 levels, which offer several anti-aging properties. Furthermore, fasting also increases NAD recycling by activating NAMPT, modulating the NAD pathway by increasing AMPK.

Note: People who would best avoid fasting include those living with chronic stress (adrenal fatigue) and those with cortisol dysregulation. Pregnant or nursing mothers should also avoid fasting.

Related: Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Longevity?

What Are The Benefits Of Activation SIRT3?

Activation SIRT3

  • Helps Mitochondrial biogenesis ( Mitochondrial biogenesis helps the cell in renewing the mitochondrial network and, as a result, improving mitochondrial performance leads to lower inflammation and longevity
  • Glucose And Fat Burning Metabolism(Our cells need L-carnitine and B5 for that)
  • Muscle Cell regenagarion 
  • AMPK and another energy metabolism

Also, activating the SIRT3 gene is essential for preserving mitochondrial structure and function, which may influence cell growth, apoptosis, and metabolic pathways, contributing to maintaining a healthy balance between illness and health.

Caloric restriction and fasting suppress mTOR signaling, which in turn enhances other energy homeostasis pathways such as AMPK and autophagy.

In summary, when it comes to longevity, gene activations fastings are the fundamentals for that reason.

2- Optimize Mitochondria For Longevity, And PROTECT Cell-Death

It is well known that the mitochondria in our cells interact with the bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal tract. Also, mitochondria themselves originated from bacteria. On the other hand, bacteria can interact with one another via chemical signals (such as hormones), sunlight, and even movement.

When your mitochondria start to slow down(Mitochondrial dysfunction) and make too many free radicals, it causes inflammation all over your body that lasts for a long time. Inflammation is such a hot topic in the field of longevity that you probably already know how closely it is linked to getting older.

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Our mitochondria health is also affected by genetic markup from mothers, and we inherited your mitochondrial DNA from your mother. However, as we talked the environment is a big effect when it comes to mitochondrial health, so with simple strategies, we can see stronger mitochondria, such as:

  • Ketosis, Fasting, Exercise, and good sleep support mitochondria functions.
  • Zinc: The central nervous system is regulated by zinc homeostasis. Inflammation-induced dysregulation of zinc homeostasis and high synaptic zinc concentrations potentially cause neurotoxicity and mitochondrial dysfunction. Zinc also controls adrenal gland function and cortisol levels.
  • Cold Showers for mitochondrial genesis. Cold exposure activates AMPK and allows your mitochondria to grow and become more efficient. It is also a healthy adaptation to lower temperatures, with various health benefits such as less inflammation, a stronger immune system, and higher pain tolerance. This adaptation is beneficial to those who live in colder climates.
  • Short intense workout: Mitochondrial biogenesis is an amazing process that a short, intense workout may stimulate. The mitochondria produce the energy-storing molecule ATP at a higher rate during biogenesis.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5): The synthesis of energy and mitochondrial cell metabolism are directly influenced by thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. Also,  Pantothenic acid, which is a water-soluble vitamin and is also known as vitamin B5, is a vitamin that is necessary for the transfer of fatty acids into the mitochondria. Pantothenic acid is also known as vitamin B5.

Finally, we can’t separate longevity and mitochondria since Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) is a protein involved in the process of mitochondrial biogenesis, and optimizing SIRT1 also leads to enhanced mitochondrial functioning.

Lower damage to your mitochondria 

Besides optimizing mitochondria, it would be best to protect that certain kinds of damage coming from environments. Here are some of the things you can protect your mitochondria.

  • Artificial Sweeteners: Artificial Sweeteners can cause inflammation and mitochondrial damage by affecting gut bacteria, and even some of them change gene expression. There are also studies about you can check “Aspartame-Induced Mitochondrial DNA Damage.” 
  • Iron Overload: It has been shown that a significant overload of iron in the mitochondria may cause damage to the mitochondrial DNA. A link between damage to mitochondrial DNA and mitochondrial malfunction is linked with oxidative stress and aging.
  • Avoid glyphosate toxicity: Glyphosate makes minerals less available to plants, such as manganese and iron; according to the data WHO analysis, glyphosate is most likely genotoxic, which means that it causes mutations in DNA. Moreover, glyphosate increases oxidative stress, promoting inflammation and accelerating the aging process.
  • Fluoride Neurotoxicity and Mitochondrial: Several studies have shown a correlation between fluoride exposure and dysfunction within mitochondria. Fluoride may produce neural dysfunction and structural alterations in rats that have been exposed to it over a long period of time. This may affect the rates of fission and fusion. 

Fluoride-induced mitochondrial damage may include structural changes, damage resulting in neuroinflammation, altered neurotransmitter levels, and disruptions to key signaling pathways.

Lastly, Flouride effects are the PGC1α/NRF1/TFAM pathway. The PGC-1α/NRF1/TFAM signaling pathway is key in regulating mitochondrial biogenesis, and it may be significantly impacted by fluoride exposure.

3- Why Boosting NAD+ Levels Is Important

B vitamins play an important role in energy and nerve functioning. Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) is a form of B3 that gets easily converted into NAD+ and can activate sirtuins.

Niacinamide seems to effectively and safely raise NAD+, which normally declines with age, which is why niacinamide research is so interesting.

In animal research, boosting NAD+ levels in elderly or ill animals promotes greater health and a longer lifetime, believing NAD-boosting chemicals may do the same for people.

Niacinamide supplements may be helpful, but for maximum results, follow optimizing mitochondria, stress management, and a healthy lifestyle. You can enhance and maintain young NAD+ levels naturally without anything else. 

  • Fasting or time-restricted eating — Because Glucose restriction helps activates AMPK, which in turn leads to a rise in NAD+. According to research, beta-hydroxybutyrate, one of the ketones present in ketosis, helps to maintain NAD+ levels in the brain. Animal studies have shown that providing ketones after a stroke boosts brain NAD+ levels, which improves neurological & mitochondrial function.
  • Physical exercise — Same as fasting, it activates AMPK, and during exercise, it has been shown that the levels of NAD as well as the production of an enzyme that salvages NAD in muscle rise. Activating AMPK elevates NAD+ levels, leading to increased SIRT1 activity. Also, the fuel sensor known as AMPK is responsible for mobilizing the body’s energy resources, such as fat, and it also promotes autophagy. High-intensity exercise significantly increases the activity of AMPK in healthy humans.
  • Avoid radiation exposure — Consider avoiding electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the form of your cellphone and Wi-Fi, as well as other forms of radiation that are harmful to DNA which also affects the magnesium level.
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4- Physical Activity and Mitochondria

Regular exercise is one of the most important factors in regulating the level of cardiovascular health, and insulin sensitivity,

Insulin sensitivity is necessary for our bodies to utilize glucose as a source of energy to carry out physiological processes and store glucose as glycogen in our muscles and liver for future use.

  • High-intensity exercise, like weightlifting or HIIT cardio, causes oxidative stress. Furthermore, it causes mitochondrial hormesis, which causes adaptations that promote mitochondrial density and biogenesis.
  • Exercise effect The Growth of Hormone/Insulin and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Signaling Pathway, which regulates cell replication, nutrient partitioning, and storage

Exercise improves moods and neurotransmitter regulation and helps libido thanks to supporting testosterone levels in men.

5-  Managing Stress With Regular Meditation, Adaptogens Wim Hof, And Cognitive Behavior Therapy 

Chronic stress can result from a variety of factors, including feeling anxious and threatened, being exposed to toxic chemicals or heavy metals such as (iron overload), or even loud noise; these factors all attack the nervous system and overwork the immune system, which leads to mitochondrial problems, as well as inflammation.

Stress can be environmental, emotional, and physical. However, a certain amount of stress actually beneficial for mitochondria and cells, but prolonged chronic causes depletion of magnesium, B vitamins, and other important minerals, which leads to further damage to cells, telomeres, and overall longevity.

How To Protect Your Cells From Emotional And Physical Stress?

First, we need to improve our adaptation to stress, then lower the stress caused by toxins, chemicals, and other things such as emotions. For that three steps, you can do it:

Regulate Emotional Stress With Meditation, Wim Hof, and Other methods.

  • Wim Hof Breathing Methods: Helps to overcome emotional stress, and Wim Hof breathing is a mild stressor for the body which supports immunity, increases oxygen intake, lower IL-6 inflammation, and meditative experience, reported people.
  • Optimize Your Second Brain: Gut bacteria can influence and create brain chemicals such as GABA and serotoning that affect our stress and mood. For that, we should have healthy microbial, yeast, and friendly bacteria in our gut and avoid artificial sweeteners. Mostly these three bacteria Bifidobacterium species, Bifidobacterium dentium, Bifidobacterium long subsp. infantis, and Bifidobacterium adolescentis, have been found to produce the neurotransmitter GABA.
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy: It’s good for helping improve cognitive levels, understanding bias, negative emotions, and cognitive distortions, lowering fear, anxiety and supporting the realistic thought 
  • Meditation: Meditation is a simple, free(almost), and effective technique that helps lower inflammation, helps creativity, and better mood and energy. 
  • Read Philosophy: Such as Taoism, Zen, Rumi, and even west ancient philosophy: This will helps to understand better about worlds, ideas, and other stuff via boosting perspective about the worlds and higher thinking.
  • Grounding: Grounding will helps lowering cortisol and create a better connection with nature and animals which feel they belong in this world.
  • Take a pet: Pets can help improve the relationship with nature, lower cortisol, and improve heart health as well as oxytocin secretion. 

Regulate Physical Stress With Diet, Supplements, And EMF protection

A healthy diet and good quality of sleep are the main keys to DNA repair for mammals. However, they are anti-inflammatory foods, herbs, and fatty acids such as Omega-3s that can help adaptation physical, emotional as well as environmental stress via lowering inflammations and helping brain cells and nucleus. 

Here are some other antioxidants for positively helping adaptation to stress, inhibiting inflammation, and lowering oxidation here:

  • Astaxanthin: In a number of different experimental models, it has been shown that astaxanthin can reduce both acute and chronic inflammation, making it a potentially useful treatment for a wide range of conditions, including neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, gastrointestinal disease, renal inflammation, and skin and eye diseases. (source)
  • Magnesium: Magnesium reduces lactic acid, which causes post-exercise pain. Also, magnesium involves more than 250 activity that regulates brain chemicals such as serotonin and GABA, ATP protection, and other reactions which protect cells. 
  • Curcumin: According to research, curcumin may be beneficial in the treatment of illnesses involving oxidative stress and inflammation, as well as metabolic syndrome, arthritis, anxiety, and hyperlipidemia
  • Adaptogens: Adaptogens help with Both emotional and physical stress, regulate inflammation, blood-pressure caused by stress, helps energy production and nitric oxide, inhibit excess cortisol even help DNA repair. Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, holy basil, and ginseng are some of the most important adaptogenic herbs.

6- Polyphenols ve Resveratrol Rich Foods 

Citrus fruits and many vegetables have plant compounds that are needed to keep these new neurons alive. Polyphenols are a group of plant chemicals that can be found in coffee, chocolate, blueberries, grapes, and other foods that are blue, red, or orange. 

Polyphenols have been shown to alter the composition of the microorganisms that live in your digestive system. This results in an increase in the number of beneficial bacteria and a decrease in the number of bacteria that are potentially harmful to your health.

In fact, coffee fruit, which is usually thrown away, has some of the most well-studied polyphenols for making neurons grow. Not just coffee, it also Black and Green tea have a unique antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which helps support neuron growth, cell regeneration, and mitochondria and protect brain health.

Related: The Three Brain Boosting Beverages To Help You Stay Focused

Does resveratrol activate SIRT6?

Yes, Sirt6 is a nuclear sirtuin that can be activated by resveratrol, NAD+, and CR. SIRT6 is often called the “longevity gene” because of its important role in organizing proteins and recruiting enzymes that repair broken DNA; additionally, mice without the gene age prematurely, while mice with extra copies live longer. 

SIRT6 is a protein involved in regulating chromatin and has been shown to have a number of roles in metabolism, aging, and disease. It could potentially be a useful target in treating several human diseases. 

What is the good About Polyphenols, And How do They Stimulate And Activate Longevity Genes?

  • Coffee: The polyphenols in coffee regulate the “switches” that turn certain genes on and off, including the ones that signal cells to replicate or die. Coffee also contains a type of polyphenol called chlorogenic acid, which reduces chronic inflammation, particularly in cells with high-fat content, such as brain cells. This is one way (of dozens) that coffee improves cognition.
  • Quercetin Rich Foods: Foods rich in quercetin include capers, lovage, apples, tea, onions, citrus fruits, green vegetables, and most berries. Quercetin has been demonstrated to be a significant anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agent. These sirtuin-activating compounds (STACs) included butein, piceatannol, fisetin, quercetin, and resveratrol.
  • Astaxanthin activates longevity genes: It was shown that the astaxanthin molecule known as CDX-085 (produced by Cardax) has the potential to strongly activate the FOXO3 gene, which is known to have a role in increased lifespan. “The FOXO3 gene, which protects against aging in humans, is present in all of us,” stated the researcher.

Sirt6 is a nuclear sirtuin activated by CR, NAD+, resveratrol, etc., promoting deacetylation of histone, which plays a major role in (a) Diabetes: increased insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, suppress gluconeogenesis, and decreased glucose uptake.

What is the difference between anti-aging and anti-wrinkle?

When we call anti-aging, we refer to cellular, mitochondrial, and telomeres health. However, anti-wrinkle is mostly a specific type of term that the problem is targeted; on the other hand, anti-aging is more comprehensive things including biological ages, cells, energy or other things.


When it comes to longevity, aging, and cell health, we need to know what are the main factors to help improve these pathways, such as:

  • The FOXO/Sirtuin Pathway
  • The Growth Hormone/Insulin and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1
  • Signaling Pathway

For that, looking for a holistic health approach is the key because longevity is not affected just by chemicals; our thoughts, beliefs, stress levels and ideas can influence our health.

I teach people about the biohacks and science of optimizing their health and performance. I like to write about Philosophy, Biohacks, Supplements, and Spiritual information supported by science.