How to Detox Microplastics From Your Body?

How to Detox Microplastics From Your Body
Italian researchers have found plastic in Apples, and carrots have the most plastic particles.

Microplastics are present in various environmental forms, including plastic bottles, some foods, and the water supply. The average person consumes about 0.14 grams of microplastics daily, ranging from 0.002 to 1.74 grams. Most particles, 99%, are smaller than five millimeters and can be expelled from the body through the gastrointestinal tract.

Microplastics like Bisphenol A (BPA) can negatively impact human health by acting as synthetic estrogen and accumulating in the prostate gland and ovaries, causing inflammation in both men and women.

Detoxifying microplastics and other toxins, including heavy metals and iron overload, is possible by following a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. Let’s get started.

Related: Learn About Iron Overload

Sweat For Detox Plastic From Body

Sweating effectively helps rid the body of microplastics. Sauna practices, a staple in various cultures for centuries, enhance the immune system and promote detoxification.

While some might consider sweat-based detoxification a myth, numerous studies attest to its effectiveness.

When You Sweat, You Get Rid Of The following:

  • Plastics
  • Pesticides & herbicides
  • Pollutants
  • Heavy Metals

It is a known fact that the body excretes various toxins, pollutants, plastics, pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metals through sweat. Sweat is the primary source of excretion for these compounds, with higher concentrations compared to blood or urine.

Microplastics: Hormonal Affect And Fertility

It is common for people to be exposed to microplastics and toxins, including methylates, which are known to disrupt hormone levels and cause infertility. However, there is a way to alleviate the effects of these compounds – by excreting them through sweating.

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Other types of compounds influence our health, such as

  • Flame retardants
  • Organochlorine pesticides

You can excrete them through sweat, urine, and blood, but sweat is the number one pathway. 

How Long Does Plastic Stay In Your System?

We’re all subject to microplastic exposure and other toxins. Estrogen-mimicking compounds like methylates and xenohormones can skew hormone levels, causing infertility. These plastics typically accumulate in the lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys. While your body strives to purge these compounds within a day, continual plastic intake, such as through coffee cups or certain food packaging, can lead to lasting adverse effects.

Avoid Heavy Metals Such As Arsenic, And Mercury

Heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury can disrupt the hormonal balance.

Heavy MetalImpact on Health
ArsenicDisrupts various bodily functions, potentially leading to chronic health conditions
CadmiumIt affects the nervous system, potentially leading to cognitive and physical developmental delays in children
LeadAffects the nervous system, potentially leading to cognitive and physical developmental delays in children
MercuryIt damages the body’s cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, neurological, reproductive, and respiratory systems

The Gulf War of the 1990s brought this to light when 30% of US veterans suffered Gulf War sickness due to exposure to pollutants and metals. The Hubbard Protocol – daily exercise, sauna sessions, crystalline nicotinic acid, and supplements – helped alleviate symptoms.

A niacin flush in this protocol enhanced sweat-induced detoxification. Human sweat, rich in glycoproteins, can bind and excrete system compounds, making it a potent toxin purifier.

Exercise For Heavy Metal Toxicity

Exercise plays a crucial role in detoxifying heavy metals from the body. By improving circulation and promoting the removal of toxins, individuals who engage in regular exercise have higher levels of metals and chemicals in their sweat.

Combining exercise with sauna and niacin can enhance the sweating process, effectively detoxifying a range of toxins, including chemicals, pesticides, metals, plastics, and microplastics. Thus, the most effective method for excreting these toxins combines sauna-induced sweating, exercise, and niacin.

Best Supplements For Heavy Metals

There are also some other additional supplements that you could take that bind to toxins, such as:

  • Chlorella: Chlorella contains high levels of chlorophyll and can bind to heavy metals like mercury, lead, and cadmium.
  • Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal binds with heavy metals and toxins within the digestive system and removes them from the body. People can use it in both acute and chronic cases of poisoning.
  • Curcumin: It boosts overall defense by binding Iron and supports mitochondria by reducing oxidative stress by regulating inflammation.
  • N-Acetylcysteine: N-acetylcysteine is an antioxidant that can help with heavy metal poisoning. It can bind with heavy metals, such as mercury and lead, and remove them from the body as well as a precursor of a master antioxidant called Glutathione.
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 But I think there’s still the number one thing to do and focus on: regular swift exposure through the sauna and exercise. 

Reduce Microplastics Exposure By Regular Fasting

Fasting is an effective way to promote the release of toxins stored in fat cells. This is achieved through the stimulation of the Autophagy process. Additionally, fasting reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, which are significant contributors to chronic diseases. Fasting also triggers Mitochondrial Biogenesis, similar to exercise, which supports the overall immune system and cellular function.

A study by Dr. Valter Longo found that fasting can reduce microplastic exposure by up to 66%. Regular fasting is a great way to reduce exposure to microplastics and other environmental pollutants.

Melatonin For BPA and Heavy Metal Toxicity

Exposure to BPA and heavy metals(especially fluoride) can disrupt melatonin production, eventually decreasing antioxidant capacity. 

Researchers have found that melatonin pre-treatment in combination with heavy metal treatment also shows a significant positive effect. 

Besides, Another study found that Melatonin significantly protected against BPA-induced cytotoxicity and genotoxicity.

This is done by reducing oxidative stress and improving antioxidative defense.

Heavy metals disrupt melatonin levels, leading to longer sleep and detoxifying the process. Sleep deprivation also leads to inflammation and mitochondrial damage.

 This is why toxic substances like BPA and heavy metals should be avoided.

Related: Melatonin: Does It Affect Fertility?

Other Types For Detoxify Our Body Microplastics And Chemicals

There are other strategies for detoxifying our body from Microplastics, such as:

  • Donate Your Blood For Better Performance: Blood donation can help you perform better in your daily life by reducing iron overload and toxicity. The process of donating blood is simple and only takes about an hour. Excessive Iron can damage people and cause impair mitochondrial function and the production of essential hormones. 
  • Sulfur-Rich Compounds: Broccoli and cauliflower are miracle workers to help defend and detoxify from those dangerous chemicals, including BPA, and support Glutathione production. 
  • Never heat plastic: Avoid putting plastics in the microwave or any hot food in plastic containers.
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SaunaIt may be safe for most individuals but not suitable for those with certain health conditions.It may help eliminate toxins through sweat, but the effectiveness of sauna detox for microplastics is not well established.
FastingIt may be safe for most individuals but not suitable for those with certain health conditions.It may help eliminate toxins through the digestive system, but the effectiveness of fasting for microplastics specifically is not well established.
NACGenerally considered safe, but may cause side effects in some individuals.NAC has been shown to have antioxidant and detoxifying properties and may help eliminate toxins, including microplastics. However, more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness.
ExerciseSafe when performed at a moderate intensityMay help with the elimination of toxins through sweat and improved circulation.
HydrationSafeIt may help with the elimination of toxins through urine
Natural fiber supplementsGenerally safe, but may cause digestive side effects in some individualsIt may help with the elimination of toxins through the digestive system
MelatoninIt may be safe for most individuals in appropriate doses.Melatonin has been shown to have antioxidant and detoxifying properties and may help eliminate toxins, including microplastics. However, more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness.
What Are The Potential Health Benefits And Risks Of Using Different Methods To Detox Microplastics From The Body?


Microplastics permeate not only our environment but also infiltrate our bodies. These plastics amass in parts like our liver, breast milk, and cells through various exposures. We were sweating aids in microplastic detoxification. Yet, an optimal detox regimen also includes melatonin and antioxidants to bolster this process.

However, Melatonin deficiency is common among most people because Blue light exposure and EMF are the two major issues that people must be aware of when using technology. They are linked to inhibiting Melatonin production. 

I hope this article is helpful to you. 

What are microplastics, and how do they end up in our bodies?

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles smaller than 5mm. They come from various sources, including broken-down plastic waste, cosmetics microbeads, and synthetic clothing fibers. Microplastics can enter our bodies through the food we eat, the water we drink, and even the air we breathe.

Can microplastics harm our health?

Indeed, microplastics can potentially harm our health. Their tiny size allows them to cross biological barriers like the gut wall and blood-brain barrier. In our bodies, they may disrupt hormone regulation, impact mood, and affect our nervous system. Their long-term health effects are still under investigation.

How can we detoxify our bodies from microplastics?

While we can’t completely avoid microplastics, we can minimize their accumulation in our bodies. Consuming a fiber-rich diet helps bind microplastics and facilitates their excretion. Regular exercise, optimizing Glutation, maintaining a healthy weight, and staying hydrated also aids in removing toxins, including microplastics, from the body.

Can microplastics affect testosterone levels?

Emerging research suggests microplastics may affect hormone regulation, including testosterone levels. As endocrine disruptors, they may mimic or interfere with the body’s hormones, potentially impacting reproductive health.

Are microplastics linked with BHP or prostate issues?

While concrete evidence is still lacking, some studies suggest a possible link between endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including those found in certain plastics, and prostate issues such as BHP (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). Further research is necessary to understand this relationship fully.

What can we do to minimize microplastic exposure?

Reduce plastic use by opting for reusable containers and bags, avoid cosmetics with microbeads, and choose clothing made of natural fibers. Filter tap water, and consider eating a diet rich in whole foods, which reduces packaged food consumption.

I teach people about the biohacks and science of optimizing their health and performance. I like to write about Philosophy, Biohacks, Supplements, and Spiritual information supported by science.