How Do You Repair Mitochondria Naturally? – Ultimate Guide 2023

How Do You Repair Mitochondria Naturally
One of the features of mitochondria is that they have their own genome. 

Mitochondria become more important than ever that had been.

Your mitochondria are small organelles located inside most of your cells, and each cell typically contains several hundred mitochondria. But, these small organelles, such as profoundly affect our physical as well as mental health.

When your mitochondria begin to slow down can leads to too many free radicals, eventually can cause chronic inflammation throughout your body. Chronic inflammation primarily factors most of the “illnesses” we experience today. Even though new studies show the relationship between depression-chronic inflammation connection.

Due to their ability to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP), your cells’ main source of energy, your mitochondria, are commonly referred to as the energy generators of your cells. This “ATP” can be used by our brain, specifically in brain areas called: the “Hippocampus.”

Did you know that Mitochondrial dysfunction has been correlated with the loss of memory?

This article will discuss “How can you naturally repair mitochondria?” and “How do you heal damaged mitochondria?”

Can We Repair Mitochondria?

Yes. We can stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis as well as repair old damaged cells for protection against inflammation and aging.

Optimizing mitochondrial biogenesis is essential because scientists recently showed that diabetes and heart failure could be reversed by cellular energizers that assist restore and maintaining the activity of mitochondria. This is huge; when you make mitochondria work better, you also support your organs, cells, and tissues.

Here is an example, active heart muscles need more energy. Because it is the organ with the highest energy metabolism rate, the heart has the highest mitochondria concentration of any body tissue. Mitochondria make up an average of 30 percent of your heart. Anything mitochondrial dysfunction leads to an increased risk of heart failure and damage to the heart.

So, whatever you decide to better your health, optimizing and supporting mitochondrial will support heart failure and other body functions.

Mitochondrial Biogenesis

Mitochondria Biogenesis is a unique process by which cells increase mitochondrial numbers.

The process of generating new mitochondria is known as mitochondrial biogenesis, and it is boosted by the activity of certain metabolic regulators such as AMPK and PGC-1a. 

AMPK is responsible for the production of new mitochondria and also regulates mitophagy. Things such as Fasting and “under stress” or “low energy” can help stimulate Mitochondrial biogenesis.

What Triggers Mitochondrial Biogenesis?

Free Alternative For Optimizing Mitochondria, And Longevity

Let’s deep dive into that: “How Can We Triggers Mitochondrial Biogenesis?”

There are certain things might stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, such as:

The process, especially Fasting, stimulates AMPK and then enhances fatty acid oxidation and the production of ketone bodies. Ketosis is a very effective way to induce lipolysis, particularly when fasting, and these “Ketones” are a good source of fuel for Mitochondrial health.

We will cover the details of the importance of Melatonin in this article.

One Meal a Day Diet (OMAD), activate slightly stress response pathways that support mitochondrial performance, autophagy, and the repair of the DNA in your cells, as well as reducing the risk of chronic disease

Deep Dive Ketones, And Mitochondria Health

Once our mitochondria learn fat for fuel and utilize it, our Mitochondria Love ketones for energy. This will helps us better”Metabolic Switch” fat to glucose for fuel when it needs.

See also  Why Isn't My Melatonin Putting Me To Sleep?

Your mitochondria prefer ketones instead of glucose as a more effective, and they can enter the mitochondria faster via the electron transport chain and produce more ATP than glucose.

This will helps Mitochondria work more efficiently, and the mitochondria absorb less damage when fatty acids and ketones are used as fuel.

You can increase your Ketone production, which High-Intensity Exercise, Keto Diet, And Fasting.

Ketones (Beta-hydroxybutyrate) is also an essential epigenetic actor, influencing DNA expression, detoxification pathways, and your body’s own antioxidant production. Beta-hydroxybutyrate also stimulates cellular receptors known as g-proteins.

What Kind Of Exercises Increase Mitochondria?

When you want to optimize mitochondria, try challenging your body intensely with exercises that include strength, speed, and explosive drills like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Recent research discovered that exercise, specifically high-intensity interval training in aerobic workouts, enabled cells to produce more proteins for their energy-producing mitochondria and protein-building ribosomes, which leads to lower cellular aging and supports overall health. 

Exercise has other anti-aging advantages besides creating new mitochondria. Regular exercisers maintain longer telomeres, the protective caps on chromosomal ends. 

On a molecular level, those who exercise often are ten years younger than other people, such as Taoist masters who engage in longevity and meditation practices. 

But once you decide to exercise, do not “Overtrain” or “kill yourself” because of muscle or good shape. Overtraining can negatively affect Mitochondria because too much cortisol is harmful and cause inflammation.

What Damages Mitochondria?

Certain things you should avoid when it comes to mitochondrial health.

The mitochondria are particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage, as well as to the effects of nutrient deficiencies(Magnesium, Copper, Zinc) and environmental toxins(lead, mercury, formaldehyde, benzene, and cadmium)

Certain foods and ingredients also affect Mitochondrial Health, such as:

  • Omega 6 (Higher linoleic acid intake is detrimental to heart health due to pro-inflammatory and thrombogenic characteristics.)
  • Refined Sugar
  • Soy
  • Processed Grains
  • Low-fat Dairy
  • Alcohol
  • Fake Meat ( Omega-6 source)
  • GMO Foods
  • Processed Meats (Smoking, salting, curing, or adding chemical preservatives preserve processed meats which might lead to damage to mitochondria)

Can Detoxifying My Body Help Repair The Mitochondria? If So, What Are The Best Methods?

Most of the time, prolonged fasting can activate genes, promote longevity, and repair old damages cells. Plus, fasting can also stimulate SIRT genes, which is another factor that might prevent cell aging and mitochondrial damage.

However, the activation of these genes is mostly affected by sleep and other hormones, such as Melatonin. For that reason, we can’t minimize the effect of Melatonin and mitochondrial health. If you don’t know about Melatonin, it’s a strong antioxidant that prevents mitochondrial damage and involves most biomechanism to support our health.

MethodAffect on Mitochondria
Ozone therapyMay support the health of mitochondria
Prolonged fastingIt may help repair and rejuvenate damaged mitochondria by stimulating autophagy
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)It may aid in removing toxins and protecting against oxidative stress, therefore, may help in repairing mitochondria.
MelatoninMay aid in repairing mitochondria by promoting good quality of sleep.

We’ll dive deep into details; keep reading.

What Foods Increase Mitochondria?

Diet plays an important role in Mitochondrial health. Our diet choices, supplements, and the foods we eat directly impact our mitochondria.

Some of the foods we eat that will increase the amount of NAD+ in our body can also help to improve mitochondrial functions. 

Here Are Some Of The Foods That Boost Mitochondria

  • Omega-3 fatty acids trigger mitochondrial biogenesis, and you can find them in the foods such as Salmon, Anchovy, and Sardines.
  • Organ meats such as the liver are high in Vitamins B1, B2, B6, niacin, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, as well as CQ10 and Creatine(which helps mitochondria). These are all-powerful free radical scavengers that also inhibit the production of mitochondrial oxidants and the aging of mitochondria. 
  • Niacin, a form of vitamin B3 rich in foods such as Red Meat, fish, liver, salmon, and Anchovies rich at vitamin B3 raises blood levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a chemical required for mitochondrial activity (NAD).

Eating Anchovies is also a good source of selenium, relieving oxidative stress and protecting against mitochondrial damage.

What Other Foods Can I Eat To Naturally Support The Health Of My Mitochondria?

Here are some foods you can consume for mitochondrial health.

See also  A Deep Dive Into Cold Shower Benefits
SpinachLeafy green vegetable high in antioxidants, vitamin C and E, and carotenoids
BroccoliCruciferous vegetable that contains flavonoids and carotenoids
BerriesFruits that are high in antioxidants and vitamin C
Wild-caught fishSource of omega-3 fatty acids
Nuts and seedsHigh in antioxidants, magnesium and healthy fats
Green teaContains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and other antioxidants
Beef liverGood source of Coenzyme Q10
Dark chocolateHigh in polyphenols and flavonoids as well as magnesium and copper

Magnesium For Mitochondria

Without Magnesium, life can be very hard. Especially our Mitochondrial life.  

Magnesium is needed by more than 300 distinct enzymes in your body—enzymes that enable you to produce protein, DNA, RNA, and mitochondrial energy. For that, Magnesium is critical for the optimization of your mitochondria. 

The good news is that magnesium is found in good amounts in leafy greens, nuts, seeds, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, as well as cacao powder (good news if you’re a fan of fat chocolate bombs). 

Cold Shower For Mitochondria: Is Cold Water Good For Mitochondria?

Many people are starting to jump with the cold. Are they crazy? They might be. But they get the benefits of a Cold shower, Brown Fats (helpful fats), Mitochondrial Biogenesis, and a Dopamine Rush(which feels great).

Fasting, Cold Exposure, and other things are not quite common FOR most people. But after learning, don’t be surprised that you and your friends are starting to “cold shower” every day.

Research also supports that  It has been proven that mitochondrial activity and number increase during cold adaption.

Actually, you can feel ay immediately feel the effects when you expose yourself to Cold. Combine with Cold With Wim Hof Breathing, Meditation, Grounding, and Exercise for additional improvement of inflammation, aging, as well as Mitochondria.

Although these improvements are few, they will significantly impact them since they are habitual. You’ll see a significant improvement when you make these changes to your schedule for two weeks.

Most of the things that improve and repair mitochondria are actually free. So, you might consider checking our articles.

Related: Free Alternative For Optimizing Mitochondria, And Longevity

INFRARED SAUNA: Why Do People Use Infrared Saunas?

You can try Infrared Sauna. I know it is not affordable for everyone because of its price.

Don’t be discouraged by that because I create the ultimate guide for non-cost, free ways to optimize Mitochondrial health for you.

Check it out: Free Alternative For Optimizing Mitochondria, And Longevity.

However, multiple studies have shown that infrared saunas may improve long-term health concerns. Red and infrared light reach your tissues deeply, supplying energy to your mitochondria and utilizing it to boost ATP generation. 

In addition to its critical role in boosting mitochondrial function, an infrared sauna may be very beneficial in aiding in the removal of toxins accumulated over your lifetime. Most of the toxins mostly accumulate in the fat cells, so an infrared sauna can help you better utilize them. (indirectly helps metabolism)

Sweat lodges, steam tubs, and saunas are used for cleaning and purification in many cultures. Saunas and steam baths may be found in many health clubs and luxury apartment complexes, and an increasing number of individuals are creating saunas in their own homes. 

Actually, infrared saunas are one of the most significant strategies for detoxifying from pesticide exposure and iron overload

Heat Shock Protein Helps Longevity

Not just Cold but also Heat can be beneficial to our system. (If it’s not chronic sure)

Exposing your body to heat activates genes that optimize heat-shock proteins in your cells. This is significant because damaged proteins must be replaced, and Head Shock protein can help. 

Heat also increases mitochondrial biogenesis since mild stress like a cold causes reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and ROS in this setting call for the production of additional mitochondria.

Optimize Melatonin For Mitochondrial Repair

Melatonin is an undervalued hormone that supports all of the functions in the body, including Mitochondrial health. This hormone is far stronger than other vitamins as well as minerals on the market because hormones signal through your nervous system and activate Genes that promote the cellular repair system.

When it comes to optimizing Melatonin, Sunlight is a perfectly balanced way for it. It includes equal levels of red and blue light, as well as infrared, near-infrared, and ultraviolet light, which adds to its health advantages.

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However, blue light exposure after sunset is widely known to disturb circadian cycles and decrease natural melatonin synthesis, which may raise your risk of cancer, sleep problems as well as mitochondrial impairment.

The high concentration of blue light emitted by LEDs might create major problems for sleep and mitochondria.

You can protect yourself with Software such as Blue Light Filters For Desktop f.lux or blue light blocker glasses. Before sleep, “Turn-off” your Electronic Devices And Smartphones, which can be detrimental to affecting our sleep because of EMF exposure.

EMF is another issue that can be detrimental to our sleep patterns and melatonin production. There are some research shows that it can even cause Mitochondrial as well as DNA damage.

Electro-biological research on sleep showed that EMF at night has more severe effects on health in comparison to EMF radiation in the daytime. Poor sleep quality has been associated with increased tension, irritability, depression, confusion, and generally lower life satisfaction.

Electro-biological research of sleep showed that EMF at night has more severe effects on health in comparision to EMF radiation in day time Poor sleep quality has been associated with increased tension, irritability, depression, confusion and generally lower life satisfaction

For protection from EMF exposure, as well as DNA damage, you need to optimize your Antioxidant and Magnesium intake.

Also, it is better to use a Melatonin supplement if you have experience insomnia(because a side effect of sleep deprivation is far more dangerous than 0.3 mg- 3 mg of Melatonin), so you can use 0.3 to 3 mg of Melatonin for days.

Don’t skip reading the Melatonin articles I wrote about for more information.

Related: Why Is Melatonin Important For Well-Being, Anxiety, And Depression?

Metabolic Flexibility For Melatonin & Mitochondrial Health

Interestingly, when you can’t use fat for fuel(ketones), your body generates a molecule called acetyl-CoA while breaking down fats— and this is one of the compounds in your body for synthesizing the Melatonin hormone.

Melatonin has anti-cancer properties that protect our cells from environmental damage. Without metabolic flexibility and a lack of utilizing ketones, our body will be less likely to synthesize Melatonin from acetyl-CoA, causing damage to “Mitochondrial Biogenesis” and eventually impairing healthy cell function.

You can boost your Metabolic Flexibility by avoiding frequently triggering insulin by following Time Restrictic Eating or Intermittent Fasting.

Suggestion To Read: Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Longevity?

Stimulating Autophagy by Fasting inhibits tumor growth by eliminating damaged organelles/unfolded proteins. This is because Autophagy suppresses p53 genes(which promotes tumor growth) and eventually prevents mitochondrial degeneration.

Can A Specific Type Of Fasting Promote The Repair And Function Of The Mitochondria?

Fasting ProtocolImpact on MitochondriaImpact on NAD levelsImpact on Inflammation level
Dry FastingMay improve functionYes – PositivelyStudies show “dry fasts” much significantly lower the concentration of inflammatory markers like these “TNF-α” than others.
OMAD (One Meal a Day)May improve functionYes – PositivelyReduce inflammation need More research,
Intermittent FastingMay improve functionYes – PositivelyReduce inflammation

As you can see from the above table, the information about the impact on inflammation best Dry Fasting and the autophagy process for stronger than other fasting methods which eventually leads to better mitochondrial health.

Can Stress Management Techniques Such as Meditation and Yoga Help to Repair My Damaged Mitochondria?

Certain types of stress management affect our cell health differently by modulating inflammation. Here is the table. You can compare of them.

TechniqueReduce InflammationPromote CalmnessReduce Amygdala ActivationImprove Parasympathetic SystemImprove Gut-Brain Axis
Wim Hof MethodYesYesUnknownNoUnknown
Hot ShowerNoYesSlightlyYesUnknown
Please note that Aromatherapy, Wim Hof Method(one research showed that reduces TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-8.), and Hot Showers are not as well studied as Yoga and Mindful Meditation. Therefore the evidence for the benefits of inflammation, calmness, amygdala activation, the parasympathetic system, and the gut-brain axis is limited.

Try Wim Hof Breathing For Lowering Inflammation

If I give you simple, effective, and free methods that lower your inflammation? Wim Hof is breathing for that.

Not just for inflammation, Wim Hof breathing is also a little bit of a meditative experience, a free and effective method for those who have anxiety, depression as well as immune problems. 

Inflammation and depression correlate, and some research showed that Wim Hof breathes a lower amount of inflammatory biochemicals such as TNF-α, IL6, and IL-8.

No Electronics And Phones At Bedtime For Mitochondrial Health 

We are repeating it because it is an important factor in Mitochondrial health, just like a Diet.

Smartphones and most electronics produce Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF), which reduce sleep hormone (Melatonin) production and negatively affect our general health, including mitochondria.

Before bed, turn off all devices and keeps them out of the bedroom if possible.

“There is nothing that negatively affects my productvity and efficiency more than lack of sleep”

– Ariana Huffinton


You can naturally repair your mitochondria with Fasting, Exercise, Cold and Heat Exposure, Optimizing Melatonin, and Stress Management Techniques such as Wim Hof Breathing, Meditation, and even Taoist Chi Self Message.

One of the simplest and free methods for mitochondria optimization is Taoist inner smile meditation, Cold shower, Wim Hof Breathing, and Fasting(because of Ketones, And AMPK). These are free methods for everyone who can afford them. Some cheap supplements such as Magnesium, Melatonin, Vitamin C, NAC, B1, and B3 can also boost mitochondrial health.

I’m a big fan of regular meditation because it has been shown and proven by science to be an effective way to reduce stress(support adrenal), increase telomeres length(longevity), improve sleep quality(Melatonin), sharpen the brain(gray matter) as well as change philosophy about worlds and others.

Without changing your philosophy and purpose, no matter how much mitochondria you have. What are mitochondrial will serve you? what the purpose of living longer life without anything passion about?

Suggestion: Understanding Longevity Philosohopy: Why Do People Want To Live A Long Life?

Thank you!

I teach people about the biohacks and science of optimizing their health and performance. I like to write about Philosophy, Biohacks, Supplements, and Spiritual information supported by science.