What vitamin make you bigger? Vitamins For Muscle Growth

What vitamin makes you bigger?

Growth in height, which is associated with physiological development, continues, on average, until the age of 18. Many factors can play an active role in increasing height, which lasts until the growth plates at the bone end ossify and close. Genetic and environmental factors can play a role in a healthy growth process.

If the essential vitamins and minerals needed by the body are taken deficiently, disruptions in height growth may occur. If you wonder what to do to increase height, you can pay attention to some crucial points.
If by growing, you mean taller, proper nutrition can help during adolescence. At least it reduces the occurrence of problems related to vitamin deficiency.

In addition, some vitamins play an essential role in supporting bone health. Some of these vitamins /minerals are: 

    • Vitamin D
    • Magnesium
    • Vitamin K2
    • Calcium
    • Phosphorus

Magnesium plays a vital role in synthesizing vitamin D. Magnesium is also very important for creating mitochondria. In addition, calcium is as essential for bone health as magnesium and vitamin D. To be taller and bigger during development, we must make sure that we take the above micro vitamins and minerals.

In addition to all these, if we have a problem increasing muscle volume and thus becoming more prominent, amino acids such as creatine will respond to this request. Remember that the human body has a limit. Any vitamin or mineral taken from outside cannot exceed these limits.

It may be reasonable to use vitamins to avoid negative situations resulting from their deficiency. Apart from this, excessive use of vitamins for extra benefit can cause harm.

Do Vitamin Supplements Work?

In some cases, yes. Many vitamins are used for specific purposes in functional medicine. Particular supplements are used in many issues, such as increasing growth hormone, helping to build muscle, strengthening the immune system, and reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

In addition, many of the vitamins have adequate research. These include vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin C, and iodine.
At the same time, the amino acids L-theanine, N-Acetyl-cysteine, creatine are some examples of amino acids that have been studied extensively. L-theanine is often used, especially for better functioning of brain waves and relief of anxiety. L-theanine helps increase Alpha Brain Waves.

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NAC, which has antioxidant properties, improves the defense system by protecting cells against toxins. Besides, it fights against heavy metals. Creatine plays an important role in building muscle. It increases explosive power in the muscles and facilitates power output. In addition, it takes part in the synthesis of mitochondria and supports the production of ATP. In addition, it can help mental functions. Vitamin D acts as a hormone in the body. It plays an active role in biological chains, from testosterone synthesis to serotonin production. Likewise, magnesium participates in the structure of more than 250 enzymes.

Considering all this, eating healthy and getting enough vitamins helps the biological process work better. If we eat adequate and balanced nutrition and sleep well, we can get maximum health benefits.
If you were to ask about one of the essential factors for height growth, sleep next to vitamins and minerals. When we sleep well, the secretion of growth hormones in the body is high. The growth hormone is one of the hormones that help increase height in adolescents. In addition, growth hormone triggers fat burning in adults and provides a youthful appearance.

Which Vitamin is Best For Bodybuilding?

Creatine increases the levels of hormones related to muscle growth, such as IGF-1, and reduces protein breakdown in the muscles. If supplementation is considered for muscle gain, creatine should be first. As a result of extensive research, creatine is considered safe for human health.

Magnesium shows its essential function in the blood and muscle systems, and They found %40 magnesium stores in your muscle and blood. It plays a vital role in strengthening the muscles, protein synthesis, and enzyme system activity, growth, and regeneration of cells.

    • Nutrients are needed to gain muscle mass.
    • Lean organic meats.,
    • Fish.
    • Skinless natural/organic Chicken/turkey.
    • Yogurt/skimmed milk/cheese
    • Eggs.
    • Peanut and Almond butter.
    • Legumes (lentils/chickpeas)
    • Whey protein.

Getting enough amino acids is very important for muscle development. In addition, a diet rich in omega 3 indirectly supports muscle development and protein synthesis. Omega 3 oils also support joint health.

For more interest: Does omega 3 help you lose belly fat?

Do Vitamins Help Muscle Growth?

People who want to build muscle can use many vitamins. In this way, faster and healthier muscle development takes place. Especially Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Omega-3 contribute significantly to muscle development.

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Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) protects muscle cells from physical and chemical damage accelerates recovery and growth. Secondarily, Amino acid metabolism uses ascorbic acid. One of its most important features is that it holds the muscle and bone structure together.

Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that works to keep the integrity of cells in the body. Exercise and intense training cause the increase of toxic substances in the body. That leads to decreased performance, decreased muscle growth, slowed muscle recovery, an impaired immune system. Vitamin E works to attack these toxic substances and flush them out of the body.

Vitamin D; is involved in the body’s essential processes such as protein synthesis, hormone synthesis, inflammatory/immune responses, cell cycle, and signaling. In the absence of vitamin D, it has been found that the cell’s response to pathological events and physiological signals is impaired. Vitamin D deficiency can cause slow muscle contraction, muscle atrophy, slow muscle contraction, and increased contraction time.(4)

Summary, best Vitamins For Muscle Growth is Vitamin D

Researcher about Biohacks, Nootropics, and science of meditation. I'm interested in anti-aging supplements, nootropics or “smart drugs as well as nutrition science.

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