Why Do People Believe in Religions, and Why are Some Seen as Negative Things?

Why do people believe in religions and are they always seen as negative things?

Why do people believe in religions and are they always seen as negative things?

Hello Gold and Bronze followers, I am going to write a new article about the topic “Why do people believe in religion even though science does not support it or vice versa.”

I want to make it an interesting article by providing concise and fresh perspectives on the subject instead of a boring one.

Let’s get started.

Humans Are Spiritual Beings

At the core of it all, we must recognize that we are spiritual beings. Spirituality, which encompasses religion and beliefs, is an integral part of our being. Instead of resisting it, we should try to understand the underlying motivations and desires behind it.

Even before civilization, people created temples and spiritual rituals. Evidence of this can be seen in ancient sites like Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. From birth, even the most logical and rational individuals and communities exhibit some form of religious or spiritual behavior.

Nowadays, the issue is not with religion and spirituality, but with the quality and purpose of the belief system.

Spiritual Knowledge Isn’t a Bad Thing

human and religions

To begin with, one cannot accomplish anything without having a dream, a plan, and a desire. This is where spiritual knowledge and desires come into play, originating from a source beyond this world.

As humans, we have an innate craving to understand the existence of something greater and more extensive than our current world, leading us to create ideologies, beliefs, and cultural paradigms.

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For instance, our desire to fly led us to create airplanes, and our desire to travel faster led us to invent trains. Similarly, our desire to become better human beings has led us to create spirituality and all its associated aspects, which is not inherently wrong.

The problem arises when spirituality is misguided and combined with negative greed, leading to a distorted version of its original purpose.

“The whole universe is sum up in the Human Being. Devil is not a monster waiting to trap us, He is a voice inside. Look for Your Devil in Yourself, not in the Others.
Don’t forget that the one who knows his Devil, knows his God.”

― Shams Tabrizi

Meditation Is The Spiritual Cult, But It Becomes Supported By Science

Meditation, mantra, mindfulness, and other practices that were once considered “weird” are now becoming mainstream and accepted by many science communities, people as well as universities.

It’s fascinating to think about how these practices can actually change our brain chemistry and reduce inflammation, improve energy levels, and stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis through activities like fasting. Gratitude, too, has been shown to have numerous benefits.

However, if viewed through a strictly western and scientific lens, these practices may not seem logical. But as we delve deeper, we discover the logical components within the seemingly non-logical aspects.

Religions and spirituality are simply attempts by humans to better themselves from the inside out, through practices like meditation, fasting, gratitude, kindness, and more. There is a wealth of secrets waiting to be uncovered within this realm.

Origin Is Started With Philosophy Than It Changes.

I find the mystic people intriguing because the origins of their beliefs and practices often stem from philosophy. People often interpret symbolic information in their own way, adapting it to their current level of understanding. Some evolve their beliefs over time, while others maintain traditional practices.

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Most spiritual knowledge contains highly symbolic information that is not easily explained. Understanding it is dependent on one’s current situation. For example, Taoists refer to a higher power as “Dao” or “Tao”, which represents “nothingness.” This concept of non-dualism can be found in other teachings, such as Sufism.

“God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plant, stirs in the animal, and awakens in man.”

― Ibn Arabi

Religions Might Have Functions BENEFITS For People

Unless you cover all of the fear and insecurity into belief systems, religions, or spirituality, this is most helpful to us.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience

 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Religion vs. Spirituality: The Difference Between Them

Religion and spirituality are often intertwined, but they are not synonymous. Religion typically involves a set of beliefs, practices, and rules, whereas spirituality can encompass a broader range of beliefs and practices that go beyond religion. While some spiritual practices may be part of a religious tradition, others may not.

In essence, spirituality can be seen as a way of exploring the deeper meaning and purpose of life, while religion provides structure and guidance in fulfilling that purpose. Regardless of whether one is religious or spiritual, both can provide a sense of connection and fulfillment.

The key to understanding human existence is to keep an open mind, embrace all possibilities, and to constantly seek knowledge and understanding. Whether through religion or spirituality, the pursuit of truth and meaning can bring us closer to understanding our place in the world and what truly makes us human.

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How Do These Beliefs Impact Their Perception Of Morality And Ethics?

This is an important question as the spiritual perspective could lead to better development of society and improved relationships. However, it may not always be the case. And it might affect some countries or cultures badly. Some countries and cultures impose strict rules on spirituality, making it harder for people to follow.

On the other hand, others might have less pressure in practices like Tai Chi, meditation, and energy work, which can positively impact mortality and ethics.


The aim of this article is to encourage an open mind about spiritual knowledge and experiences, as well as to highlight some of the benefits that can be gained from such practices, such as gratitude, respect, love (as seen in Sufism), meditation, prayer, and yoga.

However, it’s important to note that our ultimate purpose shouldn’t just be restricted to spiritual knowledge. Ignoring science and other methods can have negative consequences in our lives. Therefore, it’s crucial to be authentic and to learn as much as possible.

Additionally, it’s important to heal any traumatic experiences related to religions or spirituality, as people have often used it for political power or simply due to a lack of understanding.

Despite this, it’s important to remember that spirituality can still be a source of inner fuel and can serve as an “inner science” for personal growth. Thank you for reading.


I teach people about the biohacks and science of optimizing their health and performance. I like to write about Philosophy, Biohacks, Supplements, and Spiritual information supported by science.

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