The electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by cell phones, power lines, and other electrical devices are becoming a human health concern.
There is a strong reason constant exposure to EMFs has been linked to a 26% increase in the risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases.
However, there is speculation exists about the relationship between EMFs and Anxiety.
While some people report feeling anxious when near a source of EMF, others feel no response.
What is the truth about it? Does EMF affect Neurogenesis? Or is there any link between EMF and anxiety & depression?
However, it’s a possibility that EMFs can cause brain abnormalities, spatial learning, and memory loss in animals. Rats were exposed to EMF for nine hours a day for two years, and the rats had an increased risk of developing brain tumors.
Let’s dive deep into the truth.
Understanding Anxiety, And Brain Cells
The human brain is made up of 100 billion neurons that communicate with each other through synapses.
Brain synapses are the connections between neurons, and they are responsible for transmitting information from one neuron to another.
Neurotransmitters can stimulate brain synapses, which drives the release of a BDNF protein chemical.
The BDNF protein is responsible for learning memory and regulating mood and appetite.
However, a deficiency of BDNF protein in the brain can lead to several neurological conditions, such as Depression and Alzheimer’s disease.
Some studies showed that people with BDNF deficiency tend to have memorial problems as well as mood issues such as anxiety and depression.
On the other hand, anxiety is a mental health disorder caused by a malfunctioning in how these neurons communicate and BDNF deficiency.
Related: Why is BDNF Protein Crucial For Depression And Anxiety?
A study on mice showed that EMF exposure led to increased production of reactive oxygen species in the brain cells, which causes damage to cells and DNA.
Inflammation Coming From EMF, And BDNF
The relationship between mood and inflammation has become clearer over time.
Some studies showed that mood disorders such as anxiety and depression are associated with an overactive inflammatory response system (specifically in their brains.)
Eventually, that cause inhibits new brain cell production by inhibiting the hippocampus area from producing BDNF protein.
Inflammatory cytokines such as TLF-a, IL-6, and IL1 reduced Hippocampus Neurogenesis and inhibited BDNF production and the HPA axis. (The HPA axis is a major neuroendocrine system that controls reactions to stress and regulates mood and emotions, sexuality, and energy exposure)
EMF Also Can Cause Suppress Melatonin
Melatonin is the hormone most undervalued and suppressed by artificial blue light exposure, excessive Caffeine, and even high stress.
Melatonin can reduce inflammations and support brain cells by detoxifying the accumulation of unfolding proteins which can cause Alzheimer’s disease and neurogenerative disorders.
Regardless, the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that we are exposed to from our cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and other electronic devices can cause a suppression of our melatonin levels.
This suppression results from the EMFs blocking the pineal gland’s melatonin production. The EMFs can also cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rhythm irregularities.
Melatonin Deficiency Leads To Neutoransmitter Problems
People think Melatonin is just a hormone that regulates the sleep cycle. Not it’s not just regulating sleep.
Melatonin deficiency could risk from neurotransmitter deficiency, including low dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine levels that can lead to mood disorders like depression and anxiety or even schizophrenia in some cases.
As we can see, Melatonin deficiency is a big problem. It has also been linked to diabetes, and recently, researchers found that it also reduces the amount of testosterone in men. (Testosterone Deficiency is another reason men can experience low libido and lack of confidence as well as depression symptoms)
For more information, I would suggest reading our Melatonin and Anxiety relation guide.
Related: Why Is Melatonin Important For Well-Being, Anxiety, And Depression?
EMF Exposure Led to Microbiota Imbalance.
Gut microbiota plays an important role when it comes to anxiety and depression. Beside, Gut microbiota also regulates the expression of certain neurotransmitters, including GABA, Serotonin, and Dopamine. That’s why they called Gut microbiota as “Second Brain.”
Long-term low-dose electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure can cause disturbed gut microbiota imbalance. A study says that EMF exposure caused the proportion of 6 kinds of bacteria to change significantly, including those of g_Butyricicoccus and g_Anaerotruncus.
The results showed that EMF exposure could disturb gut microbiota composition and some metabolites’ metabolism, similar to an anxiety-depression model.
EMF Impair Of The Mitochondria Functions Causes Depression
Mitochondria can be found in almost every body cell but are especially concentrated in muscle cells and the brain hippocampus area. Mitochondria are responsible for converting oxygen and nutrients into energy to power all of our cells.
People things Mitochondrial health doesn’t affect our mental health, but they’re wrong because your brain and the organs demand energy, especially ATP.
Reduced ATP production leads to impaired Hippocampus and prefrontal cortex functions that lead to Brain fog, anxiety, and depression.
Studies showed that EMF damages mitochondrial function by increasing oxidative stress, which causes depression and anxiety.
The EMF may affect the brain’s neurotransmitters by impairing Mitochondrial functions and ATP production.
This could affect how we feel and how we think about ourselves.
EMF Could Impair Glucose Usage In The Brain
One of the important roles of glucose metabolism is to provide energy for the brain. (Ketone is the best source.)
However, a recent study showed the effects of cell phone radiofrequency signals on brain glucose metabolism.
They found that cell phone exposure causes a decrease in glucose metabolism in the brain, and more research is needed to understand its effects better. Still, it can potentially cause memorial problems as well as mood problems.
Tinnitus Was Far More Common In EMF Exposure.
Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the ear or head when no external sound is present. However, Tinnitus also associates with anxiety and stress.
Tinnitus is more frequent in the electromagnetic hypersensitive group (50.72% vs. 17.5%), whereas tinnitus duration is significantly shorter (p=0.001). And The study found that was a significant association between self-reported Tinnitus and electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
I have the same issues that worsen the Tinnitus when I exposure to EMF. It might not trigger everyone.
What Can We Do to Protect Us EMF Exposure?
We are all exposed to EMF radiation from smartphones, laptops, and other electronic devices; however, some strategies can help manage EMF exposure risk.
Here are some tips to help you reduce your exposure to EMF radiation.
- Keep your phone away from your body
- Use a headset or speakerphone
- Check if your laptop has an EMF shield
However, sometimes we can avoid these things, and our bodies could be exposed to excessive amounts of EMF. What can we do if we can’t avoid EMF exposure?
Here are the tips:
- Fasting: Time-restricted Eating or Fasting can help to signal AMPK, SIRT6, and other things which prevent excessive inflammation caused by EMF exposure. Fasting also elevates Ketones production, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on our body.
- Magnesium: Like Fasting, magnesium can helps to improve Mitochondrial functions as well as more than 250 enzymatic reactions in our body. This is included neurotransmitters such as Melatonin, as well as protective genetic marks up.
- Melatonin: Risk of Insomnia more dangerous than anything you ever think. Lack of sleep potentially causes more than damages carbs! For that reason, optimizing Melatonin health by avoiding blue light at night and using Melatonin supplements if needed.
- Wim Hof Breathing: It might work because research showed that Wim Hof Breathing could help reduce inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, which leads protective effect of mitochondria.
Anything for boosting “Mitochondrial Functions” can help fight EMF exposure risk.
Don’t be sad if you don’t have any income to optimize your Mitochondrial health because I have an amazing article which tools you can use without affording any money!
Related: Free Alternative For Optimizing Mitochondria, And Longevity – 2023 Guide
How To Protect Your Brain Against EMFs?
Turn off your Wi-Fi and keep your cell phone on an airplane. Plus, Optimize Melatonin hormone can help protect brain cells from EMF exposure and boost neuroplasticity, which is the ability of nerve cells to alter their connections that leads to neuroprotective effects on the brain cells.
Many people are starting to understand that excessive cell phone usage has been linked to disruptions of their circadian rhythm, especially at night.
The use of screens before bed has been found to cause sleep by inhibiting Melatonin hormone secretion by blue light and EMF exposure.
EMF exposure can impact your natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to health issues like depression and anxiety.
It would be best if you could minimize EMF exposure through some of the techniques I showed.
If you can boost Mitochondrial health.